
dumbboy: The beat goes on

"Spring is here and Leeds play Chelsea tomorrow and Ringo and John and George and Paul are alive and well and full of hope. The world is still spinning and so are we and so are you.
When the spinning stops — that'll be the time to worry, not before. Until then, the Beatles are alive and well and the beat goes on, the beat goes on."
以上係1970年 Apple records 為 The Beatles 出o既 statement。

最近 Apple Inc. 借用o左"The beat goes on"o黎宣傳9月5號發佈o既 special event。

業界估計係發表新o既 iPod。


1 則留言:

匿名 說...

i still love my iriver... and itune is not so friendly to me. I justlike the simply drag and drop..