
dumbboy: Brett Anderson Live In HK Preview

呢篇文章o黎自最新一期(07年八月號)o既 V. Magazine,寫稿o既係陳錫海。(我專登 scan 比呢幾日滿壞期待o既 fieldmice couple 睇)

之不過,陳生呢篇所謂 Preview 無甚睇頭,左堆右砌,用三個字可以去總括佢呢種行徑 - X稿費!
希望佢下次唔好再加個 The 字o係 Suede 前頭。

身為 dead heart fan (o下? 死心粉絲? 定係 die-hard 呀喂?)o既 fieldmice,我仍然希望你同你個芋頭愛人會 enjoy 呢個 show。

不過,唔好懶,記住寫 gig review。(最好拍埋 clip 添啦~)

dumbboy: 迷幻叛徒 - Syd Barrett 寫真

呢本 Syd Barrett (元祖 Pink Floyd 靈魂人物)o既寫真集由被譽為"the man who shot the 70's"o既 Mick Rock 操刀,當中仲收錄 1971年 Syd o係 Rolling Stone magazine 最後o既公開訪問。
(So, dear all you good good Table 56 Bloggers, do you want a copy of this if it's free for you lot? :->)

dumbboy: Guillemots

Download 過幾場唔同 artists o係今年 Glasto 2007 o既演出,最令我睇得興奮o既係 Guillemots。

Guillemots 係我呢幾年最鐘意最鐘意o既 new act (其實我呢幾年無乜聽新o野),o係呢度誠意推介,附上兩段 YouTube 影片,希望會有更加多食客捧佢地場!

Annie, Let's Not Wait
呢一個係樂隊o係法國街頭即興 acoustic 演出o既特別 video,雖然基本上係無觀眾,但係玩得非常之投入,非常之有氣氛!

Sao Paolo (Electric Proms)
呢個係一個非常之精彩o既 live 版本,樂隊有幸聯同 60人 o既 BBC Concert Orchestra,一齊將呢首 album ending track 激昂、轉折o既個性發揮得琳漓盡致。

dumbboy: YouTube Downloader 2.1

唔知你地有冇 d/l 開 YouTube o既 video,而我就剛剛開始用 YouTube Downloader 2.1 呢個 freeware,it's super easy to use,所以想o係度推介比你地。

YouTube Downloader 2.1

裝埋佢o既最新 update,仲可以 d/l 埋 MySpace 上面o既 mp3 添!(N.B.不過o係"myspace.cn"上o既 mp3 就唔work。)

dumbboy: 后搖網民聽"惘聞"

o係國內雜誌"通俗歌曲"六月號o既 sampler CD 裡頭,聽到"惘聞"呢隊國內后搖樂隊o既一曲"My Crime"。呢首作品非常o岩我地呢亭鐘情 EITS (中譯:"天空爆炸") o既樂迷聽,雖然好想買起呢隻"RE:RE:RE:",但係心諗國內后搖專集都唔知o係邊度會買得到...

上個禮拜六o係國內完成工作之後,閒來無事走o左去蓮花山對面o既新深圳書城一敞,竟然發現裡頭o既一間唱片舖有呢隻 CD 買,二話不說買o左落o黎,原來仲非常之便宜添(只係賣 RMB 18元)。



"惘聞樂隊"@My Space中國


之後,o係官網猛然發現樂隊原來o係今年發表o左一張新作"7 Objects In Another Infinite Space"... 又要努力搵下睇下邊度有得買...


bunbun: Koop

有位朋友介紹左隊sweden組合 KOOP 我聽,
玩 Jazzy 嘢,試聽吓!

Koop - Come to me , Album: Koop Islands 2006


bunbun: Bande à part New York Underground 60’s, 70’s, 80’s Photo exhibition

Godlis, Patti Smith, 1977

Agnes b.將舊影藝改成展覧廳,有時間去睇吓啦!
“Bande à part” presents a cross view of 11 photographers on the New York underground scene from the late 60’s to the mid80’s, featuring those who originated the creative effervescence which shook the artistic, musical and literary scene during the 2 decades that separate Counter Culture from No-Wave. Through the 180 photographs presented, the 11 photographers deliver from the inside the rare and precious testimony of the actors and agitators, be they famous or anonymous, of the New York underground which still influences today’s bands and artists. By extension, they offer a privileged point of view on the icons and myths which have founded our actual pop culture, that keeps quoting and recycling itself infinitely.
“Bande à part” is at the same time pop and punk, hippie and disco, punk-rock and glam-rock, it’s an exhibition about excess, about attitude, about sex, drugs
and Rock’n Roll, and finally -and maybe mostly- about New York City.

Bande à part New York Underground 60’s, 70’s, 80’s Photo exhibition
10 aug - 11 nov 07
Agnes b.'s librairie galerie
Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road

reference link:


bunbun: 會考短片

除左文字報導,有d廣告商就邀請左 d 動畫、短片人拍左d短片
Stella SO 係我近年很喜歡嘅artist..佢嘅
《老少女戰士》同埋《老少女基地》漫畫連載係我至愛!ha ha 睇吓就知點解

仲有其他短片: http://www.youtube.com/user/hovideo

LOFI303:讀報 - 會考10A 狀元創業夢碎


