
DB: Let's share our MobileMe iDisk

我以table56名義,剛剛開始試用(60日免費試用期)Apple o既MobileMe服務。
(雖然要用Credit Card資料sign up,但係只要o係試用期完之前cancel,就唔會過數。所以如果有需要,大家不妨另外以私人名義sign up。)

要上下傳files,請到 www.me.com login
(注意:唔support IE,browser請用FirefoxSafari)

Login name同Password...你知我知。


就好似圖中我放o左Travis o既新EP o係裡頭一樣,無論你走到天之涯,海之壆(覓得蓬萊好容身...),只要上網login,就可以上下傳files。

So, let's share good stuff (within these 60 days), ok?

1 則留言:

bunbun 說...

wah, thanks for the upload!
will try to think of sth....but i have some BT movies, is it okay to upload there..