
DB: The maths don't work

本來諗住o係official site度訂bundle,點知連運費要成£22.95...
所以我去o左Record Store落order,扣o左VAT連standard mail都只係£14.82...

雖然o係Official Site訂o野唔係咁抵,不過我都忍唔住手訂o左套Limited Deluxe Edition Box-Set,連postage扣o左VAT盛惠£54.24。

送果首"exclusive instant download of 'Love is Noise' recorded at Glastonbury last month"我o岩o岩up o左上me.com。(雖然只係得128kbps)

到時o既"Entire album as a download sent to you before general release date"到手,我會再同大家分享。

P.S. Love is Noise 聽落其實都幾好聽。

4 則留言:

bunbun 說...

I am still afraid of internet order...better wait for the normal version from hmv....: >

匿名 說...

Thanks in advance

fattree 說...

咳.... 我又要!

匿名 說...

樹... sorry ,遲了,加唔到訂啦~~