
bb: Primal Scream - Beautiful Future

I am kinda outdated, the album was released in july ...
maybe u have it alreadi , i have upoaded in idisk
Check out the Hitchcock- style MV " Cant Go Back " !

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

not yet buy... still struggle... is it good?

bunbun 說...

今次好似走番早期 sonic flower grove 風格,無左迷幻電子...好clean
你响 idick d/l聽下先決定買啦!

匿名 說...

thank you, d/l 緊!!


匿名 說...

o yes, want to utilize the phone! :P
Also , after listening to "Wilderness" , it lights up my "passion" again!

ps: have u got "songs to A to E" ??
is it good?

匿名 說...

it's good to see you back!!

Do you mean spiritualized's album Song in A&E? if so, then it is good. One of my fav album this year ar.

You can get a sample in iDisk now.

匿名 說...

Yes yes, the spiritualized !
thanks you ar !!!!

seems there are many good album this year!