
DB: 乜都係借返o黎 TV Ad

Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they change it.
Just when I’m loving life, it seems to start raining.
I pulled the sail safe switch, sea sail and I’m into the stars.
I love the rain out my skies. The sky’s now red, my eyes reflect jets.
Smiling at this blessing, this life is the best.
I came to this world with nothing
and I leave with nothing but love
everything else is just borrowed

2 則留言:

bunbun 說...

it doesnt look like a promotional ad for an album..sounds like insurance, investment -type :)
is the album good?
pls write a review for tabel 56

匿名 說...

哈哈,我其實未買... 可能唔會買,呢幾隻singles對我黎講吸引力一般...