
bunbun: Happy New Year !

Dear Table 56 bloggers

Wishing you all good fortune, good health, stay happy in the year of the Ox.
Would like to dedicate Six pieces of music from Isobel Campbell.

Keep your loved ones in Mind!


3 則留言:

匿名 說...

嘩,呢隻EP好好聽喎。Thx very much~!

P.S. 不過iTunes又唔識自動搵個600x600大o既official cover...
解決方法有一個,就係o係演出者刪去後面"& Mark Lanegan"呢幾個字,淨番"Isobel Campbell"o既話iTunes就識得d/l個official artwork落o黎o架啦~。

匿名 說...

Thanks BB, wish you a wonderful year of Ox.

bunbun 說...

hehe DB thanks for the tips!
Glad u like it!
i will get the album at zoo record this weekend and upload to table 56:)

Happy new year to u all!