
DB: Table 56 Annual Gathering 2008

提提bunbun,fieldmice,Lofi, 今個星期六有event。(飛我已經買o左,o係我手)

Club慈禧其實同 Table 56 只係一街之隔。

(P.S.fieldmice,我要你向我作出"音樂救援Round 2",我會send email比你,些些。)

4 則留言:

bunbun 說...

Thanks DB!
how about we eat sth at table 56 before the gig...say meet at around 6:45pm?

匿名 說...


不如... 約六點三啦。

匿名 說...

Agree to have dinner first, 6:15 is fine

匿名 說...

OK! 6:15 no problem.